I guess this is goodbye ..

You left us without a word, I guess you felt

Like there was nothing left to say. But I just can’t forget that day. I do have many things I wanted to say, I just can’t find the right words , but everyone can see it from my emotional display.

You never let us say goodbye or tell you that we care.. I totally understand you must have felt alone, hurt and scared. I wish I dried the tears that fell like rain, I wish I could go back and ease your pain.

I cry myself to sleep at night, I was so hurt that in your dark place you couldn’t see the light. My tears are for you dear friend and I pray your legacy will never end. Your face is embedded in my heart, I promise I’ll never forget.

Author: ohemasthoughts

Abrafi Akrofi | 21 | psychology grad | part time creative be motivated and inspired as you glide into the thoughts of my imagination. Twitter: ohemaabraffs

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