Archived thoughts

This was probably one of the hardest decisions I’ve had to make at this point of time.. but it’s best for us I guess ? See, the more I hold on.. the more you hurt me. This control you have over me, it’s absurd it’s like I can’t get out. Whenever I try, it’s like I’m a prisoner in your prison.. except I’m the only prisoner suffering.

Letting you go, because I choose myself. I can’t afford to lose myself in someone else, I can’t afford to lose myself in you. So I’m letting you go, so we can grow.

I’m letting you go because I value myself, I love myself enough to know that this is not what I want and it’s certainly not what I need. I need the very best.. so I’m letting you go, so we can grow.

We may grow back into the lust blinded ‘love’ that we shared or we may grow apart.. from talking everyday, to not even a “hi”, “hello”.. “you okay?”

It may take a while for us to find ourselves again. But progress must be made, and that starts with walking away from each other. So I’m letting you go.. so YOU can grow.

Author: ohemasthoughts

Abrafi Akrofi | 21 | psychology grad | part time creative be motivated and inspired as you glide into the thoughts of my imagination. Twitter: ohemaabraffs

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