Loving Me

Once a girl who yearned to be loved, but was making the wrong choices and searching in the wrong places. Constantly finding myself in deep puddles and at lowest moments. Was quite destroying to see the public affairs all indulged in what seemed like the perfect “love”. Took a while to finally realise that the perfect love that was craved for and needed can be found in God. His love showed me who I am and who he is calling me to be as a woman and as a virtuous vessel. This realisation deepened into uncovering self love within myself.

Sometimes we long to be loved, but little do we know we are searching in the wrong places. I order to be loved, we must first love ourselves; ENTIRELY. If we do not love ourselves, how could we expect others to love us ? Or how would we know what love is exactly ? We search high and low for this affectionate feeling of love, for a feeling of want and a feeling of security. But what we do not know is that this all comes from within. Once you accept your flaws, strengths and weaknesses, loving yourself becomes so much easier.

When you love yourself, NO ONE can ever bring you down, because you know what you have and who you are. You’ve acquired the ability to accept yourself and not one person can change that. So to all reading this, please love yourself first before going in search for ‘temporary affection’ disguised as “love”. Stop breaking your heart and being vulnerable to hurt, looking for love and comfort in people who do not see your worth and value.

Always remember, God loves you and his love is greater than all. In him we are delivered and our crushed spirits are saved. Gods love is steadfast, unchanging and comforts us in times of need.

Proverbs 18 vs 8: whoever gets sense loves his own soul, he who keeps understanding will discover good.

A x

Author: ohemasthoughts

Abrafi Akrofi | 21 | psychology grad | part time creative be motivated and inspired as you glide into the thoughts of my imagination. Twitter: ohemaabraffs

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