
I use the word stagnant because that’s the feeling felt at the time. Kind of lifeless, kind of still.. but still alive. You get me ?You know that point in your life where you don’t know what to do anymore, yeah I dropped there again. I thought I’d never come back here, but here I am again. After constantly telling myself I wouldn’t go down there again. I mean, I was doing so well and it’s a shame to see it all fall apart so close to the new year.

I’d be lying if I said I’ve tried to get back on track, because I haven’t. I’ve seemed to have lost my purpose.. confused on what to do next in every situation. I tend to ponder on the smallest things and turn it into a big situation. Struggling to juggle priorities; having to plan 100 things at once. I messed up. But I do know where I went wrong.

I didn’t involve you in what I needed to do, I said I would but I “forgot”. So I turned to your word and I remembered what I needed to do.

Proverbs 16:3 says; Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. This is my key verse for 2018!
God can provide us with perfect completion to our work that implies our plans, visions, responsibilities, business,education, family, etc. Committing your plans into the hands of God means you want God to be a part in your situations. The hand of God is mostly used to control things, and God will control whatever you entrust to his hands in the most perfect way.

I hope everyone who’s lost their way & is still looking for a purpose finds theirs in 2018. Forget about the past of 2017, we are moving on to bigger and better.


Author: ohemasthoughts

Abrafi Akrofi | 21 | psychology grad | part time creative be motivated and inspired as you glide into the thoughts of my imagination. Twitter: ohemaabraffs

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