The Virtuous Nature of Patience

Stop trying to rush your way through life, it’s not a race. Your life is in your control, but you must learn to handle it with care, taking one step at a time. Stop comparing the progress of another to that of yourself.

Don’t come off the path that you have chosen just because it’s taking you a long time to get there. Stay in the lane that has been destined for you. Do not try and follow the actions of another because they’re in their own lane.

See one thing I’ve learnt growing up is that, no matter what, you cannot compare yourself to other people. You don’t know how a person got to where they are now; you don’t know the means they took to get to where they need to be. All you can do in this life, is put in 100% in everything you do. Go hard in everything, if you’re not going to put your all, then don’t do it at all. Then when the time is right, everything will fall into place.



Author: ohemasthoughts

Abrafi Akrofi | 21 | psychology grad | part time creative be motivated and inspired as you glide into the thoughts of my imagination. Twitter: ohemaabraffs

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