Mistakes: The Learning Process

Many times in our lives, we make mistakes. These mistakes can be made in any area of our lives, whether it be school, work or relationships and also other aspects within our lives. However, the main problem is not the mistake itself, it’s the reaction to the mistake. Many of us turn to blame others around us rather than fixing the mistake or resolving the error. Rather than identifying the mistake and rectifying it, we are pointing fingers at those who have nothing to do with the personal mistakes we make in our lives! Stop seeking comfort in blaming others and take responsibility for your own actions.

Mistakes are bound to happen, they are inevitable. You just have to bounce back from them, and identify causes and the consequences in order to inhibit further errors. Do not let mistakes be your downfall, but rather an opportunity of educating yourself; learn from the error. In my opinion, I don’t believe there are mistakes in life, I feel like they are lessons and these lessons will not cease until learned. Life can be seen as a classroom, lecture hall or even a seminar room. We are all here to learn and grow and part of this process involves making errors whether they be big or small.

People are so afraid to make mistakes that they don’t even start something in the first place. This ‘perfectionism’ leads to procrastination because the work never gets done. When you first set out to do something, ALWAYS expect mistakes to happen along the way. No one is perfect.
The most significant and painful lessons that you may encounter are needed to help you become the person you need to be.
In case of failure:
– own it
– Attempt to fix it

“If you have no regrets from the life you have lived, your biggest regret should be the life you haven’t lived.”―Robert Sauber


Author: ohemasthoughts

Abrafi Akrofi | 21 | psychology grad | part time creative be motivated and inspired as you glide into the thoughts of my imagination. Twitter: ohemaabraffs

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