Letting go of old ties


It’s not easy to detach yourself from people you’ve had close ties with. However this is sometimes necessary in order to restore your happiness. It is very vital to cleanse your space & protect your peace. No matter how much love we have got someone, if they are toxic and bring stress to your life, we must let go. One thing that I’ve learnt is that letting go can be a start of new beginnings. From that point onwards, you start feeling refreshed. Things that had previously bothered you via that person, are no longer bothering you.

Do you sometimes feel weary even around ‘close friends’ ? Examine your space and your circle. If someone is not benefiting you or helping you to grow in an aspect in your life, something is wrong. If the people around you do not inspire you, there is also an issue. “Bad company corrupts good character” – 1 Corinthians 15:33. This is pretty much self explanatory, but I’ll break it down for ya’. The company you keep can potentially impact your lifestyle. Associating with the wrong batch can lead to you being adversely influenced in a negative way. Many times in life, there are moments in which we are moved by bad influences. I’d really like to think that as a ‘’big woman’’ now, my perspective and judgement on things would allow me to stay on the right path and not be led astray. Unluckily for me, I still have weak spots. I am still vulnerable to the influence of attitudes and actions of ungodliness. I know I’m definitely working on that.

Back to where I left off! Stop letting the wrong people influence you, be around people who inspire & motivate you. Drop people with bad vibes, and surround yourself with people who bring you happiness. Sometimes we wish toxic people would just exit our lives. But at the end of the day it comes down to who you let into your life and who you decide to drop out. Yes sure, sometimes you may want to stand back and observe the situation to see if the person will change; but PLEASE do not let this always be the case whenever an altercation pops up!
Do not drown yourself in sake of the happiness of someone else.

You need to let go.

ohema  x


Author: ohemasthoughts

Abrafi Akrofi | 21 | psychology grad | part time creative be motivated and inspired as you glide into the thoughts of my imagination. Twitter: ohemaabraffs

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