The lost soul.

I strayed so far, no one else saw it but you.
I fell so deep into the pits of the world, yet again no one saw it but you. You continuously picked me up, dusted me and placed me back onto the right path. But I walked ahead thinking I knew the way.. then I got lost. So lost I couldn’t find my way back. I tried to run and do this thing called life without you.. then I realise. It’s really you I should be walking with, I need you to guide me through this dark tunnel. You are the light leading the way whilst I follow. HOW could I ever think I could do this without you? I put all my trust in you, because you told me that you love me. You told me to pour out my heart to you because all I have is you. I find strength and courage through you, because through you I can do all things. It’s you, it’s always been you from the very start. It’s you I needed, to get through all the pain, the doubt, the confusion and times of trouble. When I crumbled, you picked up all the broken pieces and you fixed them back together. Those pieces were aspects of my life, I was falling apart because I didn’t have you. Well I did, you have always been beside me.. but I pushed you away. I was running from you because I didn’t want you to see what I was doing behind closed doors. I didn’t want you to see my imperfections and flaws. But all along you could see it all, nothing can be hid from you. It’s you Lord. Thank you for being for me and being with me on my worse days. Thank you for being the rock I cling to when nothing else is around. I’m coming back lord, but please guide me, I think I’m lost again..


Author: ohemasthoughts

Abrafi Akrofi | 21 | psychology grad | part time creative be motivated and inspired as you glide into the thoughts of my imagination. Twitter: ohemaabraffs

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